Kleary's Mighty Pip--Registered Irish Sport Horse Mare
Kleary's Mighty Pip is the complete package in smaller form. Standing 14.3 hands and a smidge, Pip has a standard horse stride and a big heart. An alpha mare with confidence and power, Pip will take any rider--young or old--far with the added advantage of being low to the round for mounting! Pip began professional training in late 2009, has experience (including blue ribbons and championships) in Jumpers and has completed Novice Events in the ribbons with an amateur rider including a 5th at Rebecca Farms in Montana. Next Event will be at Training level. |
Kleary's Mighty Pip (RIDSH)
Irish Sport Horse Filly
Foaled: May 2006
Kleary's Mighty Pip is a registered Irish Draught Sport Horse with the Irish Draught Society of North America IDHS(NA).
Pip's sire won the stallion class at the Royal Dublin Show in 2008 & 2011.
Pip stands 14.3 hands
Dam: Sally Sells Shells (TB)
Sire: Tors Gentleman Farmer (RID)
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